Friday, September 17, 2010

Project Proposal #1

For my project I am considering documenting the spaces that have been occupied by weddings but after they are over.  I am interested in seeing what the aftermath looks like because everyone is use to seeing the picture perfect images of the wedding festivities.  I also want these images to be a social commentary on marriage in America.

A. I plan in using my Canon Rebel digital camera to take these photos.  I plan on exhibiting these photos by showing prints as well as either a video with music and captions or maybe a wedding album with captions.

B.  I am not sure that I want to take images with people in them but just simply the space after the wedding. I am sure there will be a few people left cleaning and whatnot but I don't want the people to be the main focus.  So if there are people in the images they will play a very small part.

C. As far as access goes I anticipate this being the biggest problem.  I am going to contact different venues and see if they will give me access to the spaces.  It may become an issue if they feel like I am violating privacy rights.  If I gain the trust of even one or two venues then I will be able to photograph probably every weekend. And maybe even during the week depending on if there are scheduled weddings.

I have had this idea in my head for a for a few semesters now and coming from a family where everyone is divorced it is a topic that I always have wanted to incorporate into my work.  I often wonder if the wedding is the high point of the marriage and what happens afterward?  Wedding seem like a show and what happens when it all falls apart?  I have photographed weddings before and I want to do something totally opposite than what I'm use to as far as content goes. I plan on first finding venues that will give me access to their spaces after the weddings.  Once I have done this I plan on photographing whenever there is a wedding.  I suppose it will mostly be the weekend nights which I am committed to dedicating that time to this. 

I hope that the end result will be able to get my somewhat serious issue across in a slightly humorous way.  I do not want it to be a sad body of work but something satirical.  Even though this issue is something close to me I am not saddened by it but more aware. I understand that a lot of people will end up divorced in the end and its something that I have accepted.  This may sound very negative but to me its the facts. 

As far as a budget goes I do not anticipate that this will be a problem.  The only cost will be printing and gas for transportation but other than that I do not expect any other costs.

1 comment:

  1. You really are thinking critically when it comes to the wedding, and it is interesting and challenging. You would have to find that same kind of depth with your work because it sounds fairly flat at this point. The wedding one sounds great.
