Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project Proposal #2

For my project I am considering documenting my job as well as the people I work with which is Dairy Queen.  I spend a great deal of time at my job and it has become my second home and the people are like family to me.

A. I plan in using my Canon Rebel digital camera to take these photos. I plan on exhibiting these photos by showing prints as well as a video with recordings of the sounds at dairy queen.

B. I want to take images of the space with a lot of detail shots as well as images of the people I work with.  The images of the people would include environmental portraits as well as action shots of them working.  I think the images will have a very intimate feel because the spaces and people being photographed are subjects that I feel comfortable with.

C. As far as access I will have unlimited use of the space.  I work full time and I have a key so I can even go after hours if I need to get some empty shots of the space.  This will not be a problem at all.

I have worked at Dairy Queen for over six years and it has become a second home for me.  I have made many great memories and been through life changing situations as well.  I will be leaving in december and I want to document it before I leave.  I have always avoided using dairy queen as a subject in my work but I have finally accepted the fact that it is something that deserves attention.  The people I work with are all unique in their own way and I would love to capture them as well.  It is a place that I have been so familiar with for so long that I would like people to see it from my view.

I hope that the end result will be able to show people my point of view and show the different personalities of those I work with.  Not only will it show the space I spend much of my time in but the people that fill that space.  I want people to see not only is dairy queen filled with teenagers and college students but also single mothers trying to provide for their family.

As far as a budget goes I do not anticipate that this will be a problem. The only cost will be printing and maybe bribing a few of my coworkers :)

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